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Ukraine crisis: Chaos, confusion and violence as vote that would split Ukraine in two begins
May 11, 2014, 05.43 PM IST
元記事:Times of India

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Armed pro-Russian activists stand guard as a woman casts her ballot for the referendum in Donetsk (AFP Photo)

Ukraine's eastern regions have begun voting on independence from the central government in Kiev, with proceedings marred by violent clashes and a shambolic lack of organisation.

■marred by:mar【目的語を伴って / WITH OBJECT】品質や状況を損なう(害する)台無しになる; Impair the quality or appearance of; spoil

Reports from the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk suggest that many are not even entirely sure what they are voting for, in referendums organized by pro-Russian separatists and dismissed as illegitimate by most of the West.

■dismissed as:dismiss【目的語を伴って / WITH OBJECT】真面目に考えるに値しないものとして扱う。 Treat as unworthy of serious consideration
illegitimate 法律で認可されていない;受け入れられている基準やルールに従って。Not authorized by the law; not in accordance with accepted standards or rules

暴力の中心の一つである スラビャンスク の郊外にあるテレビ通信塔周辺で突然衝突が起こったあと、昨晩、反乱軍らは、投票を妨げようとする政府を非難した。ウクライナ国防省は、陸軍兵士が迫撃砲の砲撃で負傷した、と言った。
Last night rebel groups accused the government of trying to derail the polls after clashes broke out around a TV communications tower on the outskirts of Slovyansk, one of the focal points for violence. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said an army soldier was wounded in a mortar shelling.

accused the government of trying to derail the polls: accuse 【目的語を伴って / WITH OBJECT】 (しばしば often accuse someone of の形で) 誰かを違法行為や犯罪で非難する(告訴する)。Charge (someone) with an offence or crime
■derail the polls: derail 【目的語を伴って / WITH OBJECT】 それを意図した方向からそらすことで(一連の過程)を妨害する(塞ぐ)Obstruct (a process) by diverting it from its intended course
focal point 興味や活発な動きの中心。The centre of interest or activity

ウクライナ軍、東部での軍事作戦を拡大 テレビ塔を奪還 
2014年05月03日 20:03 発信地:キエフ/ウクライナ 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
ウクライナ暫定政権のアルセン・アワコフ(Arsen Avakov)内相は、「軍事作戦は継続している。われわれは止まらない」とフェイスブックFacebook)に投稿。「クラマトルスク(Kramatorsk)で対テロ作戦を行っていた部隊は昨夜から今朝にかけて、テロリストらが占拠していたテレビ塔を奪還した」ことも明らかにした。

Today people turned out in their thousands, despite the violence, yet were greeted by chaotic scenes.

turn out 会合・投票・ゲームの試合などに参加するためにどこかへ行く。Go somewhere in order to attend a meeting, vote, play in a game, etc.
thousands 1,000から9,999までの数。The numbers from one thousand to 9,999. 【口語】(たいてい thousands の形で) 不特定多数。 An unspecified large number.

In Mariupol, which saw the worst of the fighting this week, there were only eight polling centres to cater for half a million people. Ballot papers have been printed without security provision, there is no up-to-date electoral register and neither internal nor external monitors have been granted access to oversee proceedings.

■cater for half a million people:cater for 【動詞・目的語なし】(cater for/to の形で) 必要なものや求められるものを与える(提供する)。 Provide with what is needed or required
up-to-date 最新の。最新情報や最新動向を取り入れている。 Incorporating the latest developments and trends

The ballot itself features just one question, printed in Russian and Ukrainian, asking: "Do you support the act of state self-rule of the Donetsk People's Republic?" Yet even within the country it appeared unclear what that would mean for the future.

yet 【接続詞 / conjunction】しかし同時に;しかし、それにもかかわらず。but at the same time; but nevertheless
self-rule "self-government" の別の用語。 another term for self-government ( sense 1): 自治。そこの人々による独自の国の政府。Government of a country by its own people, especially after having been a colony.

■親ロシア派、ウクライナ東部でドネツク民共和国の創設を宣言 | Reuters

ウクライナ東部住民投票、90%近くが自治権拡大に賛成 2014年 05月 12日 | ワールド | Reuters

マリウポリの駅の同じ列に並んでいる投票者志望者たちは、自分たちは投票用紙に "はい" と答えるつもりだ、とリポーターに話した - しかし同時に、ある一人は「ドネツィク共和国の独立」を意味していると思い、また別の一人は広範囲のウクライナ国内での「それはある種の自治権」のきっかけとなるだろう、とも言っていた。
Would-be voters in the same queue at a station in Mariupol told reporters they would be answering "Yes" on the ballot paper - yet while one thought that would mean "independence for the Donetsk republic", another said it would signal "some kind of autonomy" within a wider Ukraine.

Would-be 【形容詞・ADJECTIVE】[限定詞・ATTRIBUTIVE] 特定のタイプの人になりたいと望む、もしくは、になるつもり(志願)の。Desiring or aspiring to be a specified type of person

On Saturday, Mr Turchynov admitted many in eastern Ukraine supported the pro-Russian militants, but warned the referendums were "a step towards the abyss".

■ pro-Russian militants: militant 【名詞】過激派の人。A militant person【形容詞】政治的・社会的大義を支持して対決を辞さない、もしくは、暴力的方法をより好む。Favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause
abyss【名詞】(the abyss) 起こる可能性が高いと見られる壊滅的な状況。A catastrophic situation seen as likely to occur

ウクライナ東部の住民投票、民意を尊重=ロシア大統領府 | ワールド | Reuters

"Those who advocate self-determination do not understand that this will mean the total collapse of the economy, of social programmes, and of life in general for the majority of people in these regions," he said.

■ advocate self-determination:advocate 【動詞・目的語を伴って】Pronunciation: /ˈadvəkeɪt / 公然と推薦する、もしくは、支援する。Publicly recommend or support
self-determination 【質量名詞】国が独自の独立した国家であるという地位を決定し、独自の政府を形成する過程。The process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own government

投票は今夜午後10時に終了することになっていて、慌てて集められた "選挙委員会" の職員たちは言った、「投票率は訳70%になるだろう、そして仮の集計結果は投票所が閉鎖されてから数時間後に公表されるだろう」。結果が疑われる機会はないだろう。
Voting is due to end tonight at 10pm, and officials from the hastily-assembled "election commission" said "turnout will be around 70 per cent and preliminary results will be announced a few hours after the polls close". There will be no opportunity for results to be challenged.

due【ADJECTIVE】[述部、述語・Predicateの略称/PREDIC.] ある時間に予期されている、もしくは、計画されている。 Expected at or planned for at a certain time. Top 1000 frequently used words
■results to be challenged:challenge 【動画・目的語を伴って】〜の真実性、もしくはの正当性を疑う。Dispute the truth or validity of

Today's poll is expected to be followed by further votes on the possibility of joining Russia, a move favoured by the more senior rebels and which would see Donetsk and Luhansk follow in the footsteps of Crimea.

In Kiev, the Ukrainian president Oleksander Turchynov has urged eastern political leaders to join a engage in talks on the devolution of powers in Ukraine, but added that he will not negotiate with "terrorists".

■独立問う住民投票「延期せず」 ウクライナの親ロ派 : 2014/5/8 20:30 / 日本経済新聞

Sergei Pashinski, chief of the presidential administration, said forces from Kiev had been forced to "destroy" a separatist base and checkpoints in a broad operation around Slovyansk in retaliation for attacks on their own posts.

He said: "This is not a referendum. This is a desultory attempt by killers and terrorists to cover their activity."

The vote went ahead today despite a call by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to postpone.

■ The vote went ahead: go ahead 開始する・進行する、もしくは実行される。Proceed or be carried out

プーチン大統領、親ロ派住民投票「延期を」 ウクライナ問題
2014/5/8 0:42 / 日本経済新聞

Kiev is due to host presidential elections on 25 May, but Western leaders have accused Russia of trying to disrupt them and threatened economic sanctions on Moscow over the weekend.

■accused Russia of trying to disrupt them:accuse 【目的語を伴って / WITH OBJECT】 (しばしば often accuse someone of の形で) 誰かを違法行為や犯罪で非難する(告訴する)。Charge (someone) with an offence or crime

ドイツの首相 アンゲラ・メルケル と フランスの大統領 フランソワ・オランドは土曜日に、もし東部の混乱が原因でウクライナの大統領選挙が開催に失敗すれば、自分たちはロシアに対するさらなる制裁を支持するだろう、と言った。
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande said on Saturday they would back further sanctions against Russia if Ukraine's presidential election failed to go ahead because of disruption in the east.