【ヒアリング】羽生結弦 Skate America 2012 SP CBC


羽生結弦 Skate America 2012 SP CBC

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女性(トレイシー?以下T): Yuzuru hanyu is are there the on, brian oser.

カート(以下K): Oh don't forget the pooh. he is always there too. hey that'd rhyme.

(Pooh と tooをかけて韻を踏んだつもりだったらしい)

1 [U]韻,押韻:faceとgrace, vanityとsanityのように,強勢のある母音以下の音が同一で,その前の子音は異なること.
       ▼ふつうend rhyme(脚韻)のことだが,head rhyme(頭韻)をさすこともある


“Mouse" is a rhyme for “house." mouse は house と韻を踏む.

“Long" and “song" rhyme. long と song とは韻を踏む.

“Measure" rhymes with “pleasure." measure は pleasure と韻を踏む.

T: yeah do haha

(laugh) he is the second season senior competition ah...yuzuru...
won he is very first grandprex event, won the medal the grandprex final,
won bronze medalist world championships
that not too しゃーび for 17 years old.

K: is only second year competitor competition
but he is SO fun the watching practice anything completely unusual
first time I met him 14 or 15
pretty little catch baseball

T: really?

K: he is gatta arm, his father was a baseball player.

T: really?

K: yeah! who knew that, right?

T: why they *** figure skating...
but even flying cross the ice in practice this week skate america.


K: oh yes! brighten character right away i did exhibition number...
choreographed exhibition number before ... so much fun to work with
...it really takes him two cross over and he is ...under the rink
he's small, thin, right, *** called him what you want...
but he takes *** thinness *** the air
Quad toe...


K: he is able to real and leave camel spin
super flexibility allowing him get to point to the spins...

you can see him put two spins いんだろ−, にゅーろー,
getting 10% lowness short program now, any jumps second now
means what going to the the same programs...
they are not just 'jump jump jump'... off to the top



K: Jeffrey Buttle canadian skater world champion choreographed this program for
*** not females
wow! note music *** watching now.

T: huhuhu

K: we seeing something special here.


T: for the rest of the event skating opportunity take know this,
yuzuru hanyu the face *** leave men figure skating,
what a show here at skate america

K: but everyone *** skate we are talking about,
'lost little points there, lost points there',
this one was 'add points there, add points there'
execution match more performance

T: any ***

K: he *** basically clean ***

Quad toe he takes not only cross the ice but up as well. look at that body.
no stress on the landing what so ever
*** skaters
there you go! oh yep, happy boy... hahaha!

■there you go:「youが話者の期待する行為を遂げたことを、話者が表明する」
CiNii 論文 Here/There と Are/Go が織りなす世界 : Here you are/Here you go/There you are/There you go の機能

T: why *** that another good one here, that's pretty sure

K: I hope this is ***, watch footwork enter into the 3A
*** he doesn't even put the other quad down,
and then choregraphy and landing,
I want to see people do that on a single axcel, neither on triple,
that is incredibly difficult entrance...
should be getting points to the roof at the point for that.

T: taka kozuka has the lead 85 points ....
oh my word! 95,07 curr...that's a new world scoring record for the short program

K: he is 17 what we gonna do?....ahahah..

T: *** from that.

K: improve?

T: *** well so it's a ...yuzuru hanyu with a world record
and takes the titled skate america takahiko kozuka second and,
let's now here from men finished
third place that 3 times american champion Jeremy abbott.

(Jeremy abbott のインタビュー)

羽生結弦 パリの散歩道 浅田真央 ショート フリー 収録 APX-017
発売予定日 2014年3月19日

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